Saturday, September 13, 2008

Ewemiz top her kinder 2 class this first grading period with an average of 92.2%. Me and ewemiz went to SM mall to buy her atoy as a reward for doing great in class. Then we had lunch at chowking together with Manny . It was a full lunch. Manny went back to CES office while me and ewemiz went malling. She played at Mc Donalds for an hour and then went to look for a Manny's suit in a thrift store. we went home to rest and washed dishes. later in the afternoon we fetch Esther Ruth in school. Ephraim drove our Sicad Sicad (pedicab) back home. we got wet along the way because it drizzle. Ephraim is so nice to do that for us even if it meant heavy load for him, imagine the three of us inside the pedicab. I'll take picture of the pedicab tomorrow.