Sunday, May 30, 2010

Seminaries and Institutes Pre School Convention 2010 (National)

Manny's work is connected with Seminaries and Institutes of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Currently we are assigned in Panay Island. This a great oppurtunity to work with the youth of the church helping and teaching them the gospel of Jesus Christ. Yearly as husband and wife, we get to be instructed and trained by our leaders and general authority. This year's theme is found in D & C 12:8," And no one can assist in this (the Lord's) work except he (S&I men) shall be humble and full of love,having faith, hope, and charity, being temperate in all things, whatsoever (wive, children,work) shall be entrusted to his care."
The training emphasis was on our relationship as husband and wife, and to our children and how to strenghten family relationship. I' m grateful so much for this kind of training and instruction, it helps build our relationship as partner and parents to our children then eventually how we can help our youth have their own families founded on the foundation of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Here are some pics taken from our Convention held in Marco Polo Hotel, Cebu City, last May 26-28, 2010.

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